




Hi! ¡Hola!

I'm Angelica Thaddeus, Mexican-Aussie living in Tasmania, Certified Sleep Coach,Travel Agent, Wife and Mother of three.

My favourite job is definitely being a mother but I am also passionate about travel and baby sleep techniques.

A quote that really speaks to me is“ Find something you love to do, and you will never work a day in your life" (Harvey Mackay).

I am so passionate doing what I do for a living, I can totally relate to this quote and hope you will let me share this passion with you.

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Sleep My Babies

Sleep Coach

This journey started with my first born, when my daughter Jimena was 3 months old she was not sleeping great so a great friend sent me a book with routines for her age. This changed my life forever she started sleeping 12 hours straight in less than a week and I became obsessed with sleep training.

I have read every book I could find and learnt so much before finally deciding to take a course to become a certified sleep consultant.

Now i'm ready to share all my knowledge with you and help you get the sleep you deserve.

Utopia Family Adventures

Did I tell you I have travelled to more than 85 countires and counting? I come from a family that is obsessed with travel we even have a travel agency in Mexico. I love travelling and I have so many tips to share with you.

Since becoming a mother travel requires a little more planning and organising when it comes to flying with little ones. My two girls are so lucky my youngest being only 2, has been overseas to Mexico, USA and of course Disney World! We are all huge Disney fans and she has even been on a Disney cruise.

My oldest being only 4 has been several times overseas and she has been to Disneyland Paris, Disneyland Los Angeles, Disney World,Disney Cruise and a European cruise!! What?? How??

Now, as a certified Travel Agent, I can share with you all the best tips, deals and how-to travel with young children.

I have so much great advice to share, so please contact me for your next holiday.